Monday, February 3, 2020

February 2020 Family Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk

With the second quarter just having ended I trust you have had a chance to talk to your son or daughter about what he or she has achieved so far this school year and what your student hopes to accomplish during the remainder of the year. As you talk with them, let your son or daughter know about the positive achievements that you have seen. If there are areas where improvements are needed, review those together and write down some ideas on ways to improve. Above all, be supportive.

Ask them questions specific to individual classes and assignments. Seek out areas to give positive comments. For instance, “I notice you have completed all of your assignments, great job on that last test, good job taking advantage of the opportunity to make corrections on work so you better understand it.” When areas of poor performance are identified, phrase questions in a non-accusatory manner. Rather than putting the child immediately in the defensive mode, in a nonjudgmental fashion ask, “I noticed you are missing an assignment in your _______class, what happened? What are you going to do to raise your grade in _______class?” They own their grades and need to be responsible for them.

More often than not, the one area in which students need the most guidance, and sometimes prodding, is with homework completion. Contrary to popular belief, homework is not something that teachers give because they can; homework provides practice that is essential for the mastery of material. The school provides incentives and rewards for all students that put forth the effort to complete their homework. Likewise, there are consequences when students make the choice to not complete their homework.

Explain to your child that homework is not only done at school and does not end when they complete their education. Share examples of times your job has required reports to be written, articles to be read, manuals to be studied, or conference/training to be attended beyond your regular work day. As adults our jobs require time beyond the regular work day. As a student their job requires time beyond the regular school day. Not only does homework completion lead to better performance in the classroom, it instills a work ethic they will carry with them as adults when they enter the work force.

If you, as parents, have made it a daily habit to ask your son or daughter about school, if you have discussed homework, quizzes and tests, using their school time wisely, then perhaps you won’t need to make New Year’s resolutions. Just carry through with everything you have done to support your son or daughter with their academics, as you have already increased their chances at success.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dan Joseph


Parent Teacher Conferences -- February 20th, 24th and 28th

With the end of the second quarter having occurred on January 17, 2020, I am happy to share with you the link to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. We will be using a new online program this year (, so I do ask for your patience in learning the new system for registering for conferences.

Directions for how to work through the registration process can be found on the River View website in the grey Quick link box on the first page so please refer to them as you need to to help you register. Here is the link:

Below is the link to PTCfast. This is where you will sign up.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at conferences.

If you have any questions or are unable to access the internet to sign-up, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the River View office at 766-6111.


KASD is excited to announce a very mobile friendly app that is a "one stop shop" for all things KASD. Download it for free today!

Downloading is easy:

**Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play store

**Search for "Kaukauna Area School District"

**Allow Notifications

**Once you have it downloaded, check out some of the great things we'll be able to share, and customize your notifications to the school(s) that suit your needs.

-Yearbook Orders-

Order online at for just $14 BY FEBRUARY 29th! 
Include your student's name, grade, and spring homeroom teacher for easy delivery.

Please contact Mr. Mecikalski at with any yearbook-related questions.

Every school year is special, so cherish all the memories from 2019 - 2020 with a copy of our River View Yearbook!"

Yearbook Picture Day February 18

All students participating in any clubs, groups, musicals, sports, etc. will have their pictures taken, with their group, during the school day on February 18! New students and staff will also have their picture taken for the Yearbook as well.

A Notice of Policy Update from the Kaukauna Public Library

Kaukauna Public Library Unattended Child Policy

The Kaukauna Public Library is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for patrons of all ages. A caregiver is defined in this policy as a person twelve years of age or older, who provides direct care for an infant or child.

Staff members will always respond with care and concern, but responsibility for the welfare of children using the Library ultimately rests with the parent, legal guardian, or caregiver. Library staff cannot legally take responsibility for the care of children of any age. The public library, unlike schools, does not legally serve in loco parentis (in place of a parent). To be clear, Library staff cannot act in the place of parents, nor can they act as a substitute for daycare in providing constant care and supervision. Therefore, responsibility for the care, safety, and behavior of children using the Library rests solely with the parent/guardian or caregiver. For the safety of patrons of all ages, the Library does have an Appropriate Use Policy in place.

As a busy public library, parents/guardians/caregivers are reminded that unexpected events can occur while children are left at the Library unattended. Some examples could include: the child may leave the building against parental wishes, the child could be approached by untrustworthy people, or the child could be physically injured. While the Library makes every effort to ensure the safety of all users, parents/guardians/caregivers are advised that the Library cannot legally act in loco parentis.

Children under 6
Children under the age of 6 may not be left unattended by a parent, guardian or caregiver in any part of the Library. If children under the age of 6 are found without a caregiver, staff will attempt to locate the parent/guardian or other caregiver. If none can be found, they will call Kaukauna Police Department.

Children ages 6-9 
Children ages 6-9 must have a parent, guardian or caregiver present in the building at all times during the library visit. Children in this age group who cannot follow behavioral expectations as listed in the Appropriate Use Policy may not be left unattended by a parent, guardian or caregiver in any part of the Library. Children in this age group who follow behavioral expectations as listed in the Appropriate Use Policy, may be allowed unattended in areas of the library other than their caregiver’s location.

Children ages 10 to 15
Children ages 10-15 are considered old enough to use the library responsibly unattended. As referenced above, children must be at least 12 years old to be considered a caregiver to younger children. Children in this age group must also follow the Appropriate Use Policy. Children who do not follow these rules are subject to the same consequences as other Library users, including, but not limited to being required to leave the library.

Staff may as needed: 
**Notify parents of poor behavior and the need for additional supervision while at the Library. **Contact Kaukauna Police Department either to assist with the enforcement of Library policy or to ensure the safety of an unattended child. 
**Staff will make a reasonable effort to assure that children leave the Library safely at closing time. If any children remain at the Library or at building egress fifteen minutes after closing, a staff member will contact the Kaukauna Police Department to ensure safe transport.

River View Spelling Bee

Congratulations to all 54 students who participated in the River View Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 16th! The four qualifiers for the Regional Spelling Bee on February 11th at Lawrence University are: Ella Cronin (8th grade), Denzl Erickson (5th grade), Camille Poppe (6th grade), and McKayleigh Pahl (8th grade). Our alternate will be Norah Bowers (8th grade).

6th Grade Camp News
The annual Outdoor Environmental Education 6th Grade Camp Trip is coming up in May! The $100 fee for 6th Grade Camp is due February 28th. Checks or money may be brought to the office; you may also pay online for a small fee. Information regarding the separate bus fee for camp (usually around $15) will be coming home in April. A health form for camp will also be coming home in March. A reminder of the dates for camp: May 4-6 = Homerooms of Mrs. DeMoulin, Mrs. Hansen, and Mrs. Woznicki; May 6-8 = Homerooms of Mrs. Balda, Ms. Miller, and Mrs. Rollo; May 11-13 = Homerooms of Mrs. Heller, Mr. Hinkens, Mrs. Schaefer, Mrs. Thiel, and Mr. Wirth.

7th Grade Field Trip

Permission slips will be sent home with students on February 11 and are due back on February 27 for our trip to the PAC to see My Heart in a Suitcase on April 14.


7th Grade Speaker

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from Green Bay came and talked to the Careers For You classes before Winter Break!

8th Grade Speaker

The 8th grade ELA teachers will be having a speaker coming to their classes towards the end of February to talk about mental health. Magan Zimmerman from the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) organization of the Fox Valley has a program called "Ending the Silence". This program talks about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.

Below is a link to the national website on the "Ending the Silence" program. This will help to describe what will be cover and what the presentation includes!

 If you have questions about this presentation please contact Mrs. Hinz, School Counselor, at 766-6111 ext. 4211.

Choir News

The River View Choirs were represented at the Middle-Level All-State Honor Choir by these three choir students on January 10 and 11. They worked with a nationally known clinician and performed their concert at the Lawrence University Memorial Chapel. Congratulations!


Our regional solo/ensemble competitions are coming up and River View students will be competing in piano and voice Saturday, February 29. This year's events will take place at Kaukauna High School. Our region includes middle and high schools in Appleton, Kimberly, and Kaukauna. Good luck to our musicians!

Our school will be performing a musical on March 13 and 14. This year's show is Disney's The Lion King JR. The cast includes students in grades 5-8 and members of our stagecraft club will be working on the sets, costumes, and props. We hope you will join us for a 7:00 PM performance.

PE Force

Physical Education students have just finished 2nd quarter units! The 7th and 8th grade classes each competed in a classroom tournament to determine a class champion! It was great to see all grade levels increased confidence as they built their skills in team sports like basketball and volleyball.

The second semester brings units in the fitness lab, floor hockey, tumbling, and badminton. We are excited to get started with our new units and look forward to increasing your child's knowledge of fitness concepts.

Reminder, if you have not seen your child's gym clothes come home for awhile, please remind them to bring them home for a wash soon!

Band News

The 8th Grade Band had a great time performing with the KHS Pep Band at a basketball game earlier in January. Great music! Great basketball! Great pizza! Great memories!


5th Grade Running Club

If you like running or jogging, this club is for you! We meet three times a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Our goal is to build our running endurance from a half-mile to 3.5 miles in time to run the River View 5K. Students will need to have a physical form, medical form, and concussion form on file before the start of practice. Paperwork can be picked up in the office. We start the last week in March, March 23rd and will go until May 14th with a pizza party on May 18th. More information to come in March.

Track Sign-up (6th-8th grade)

Any 6th-8th graders who are interested in Track, please come to the Office to sign up and make sure all of your paperwork is complete!

Prepared For Spring Sports?

Is your child planning to go out for a Spring sport?  River View offers Track(grades 6-8), Running Club(Grade 5) and Tennis. If your child is planning to participate we want to remind you that prior to practice starting your child must have an alternate year card or a physical form filled out by a doctor in order to participate. If you are not sure which form your child needs please call the main office at River View and we will help you. Please have your child pick up these forms in the main office at River View or feel free to download them for yourself at the following link:

Travel Releases

For the purpose of building strong team connections it is the school’s preference all students participating in co-curricular activities ride the bus to and from games. With that being said, we understand there are times families have other obligations after co-curricular events. If you plan to have your child ride home with you from any co-curricular event, please be sure to complete and submit a travel release form at least 24 hours prior to the event. This will provide us with ample time to get the information to our coaches so they can make sure everyone is accounted for on the return trip. Here is the link to print one from home:

Bowling Club

News From the Nurse

Absence Procedures

Each student has the responsibility to attend school regularly and to report to school and scheduled classes on time. Students who attend class regularly not only do better in class but also reinforce lifelong work skills by arriving each day on time. Wisconsin Statutes 118.15 and 118.16 establish the ultimate responsibility for regular school attendance with each student’s parents. The parent of a student is responsible for reporting any absences, the cause, and if required, for sending information upon the student’s return.

It is the parent's responsibility to call the attendance office by 8:30 am to report the absence and state the reason. Call the attendance line at 759-6159, and then press 6. Messages can be left 24 hours a day. Prompt notification to the school is necessary. Students who are not called in by 8:30 am will be marked as unexcused. Prearranged absences can be made by calling the attendance office at 759-6159 (press 6) for the attendance recorder. Prearranged makeup of missed class work may be arranged by notifying the attendance office of any anticipated absences.

Students appearing as unexcused from class or study hall will be ineligible to practice, perform, attend, or compete in any co-curricular activity on the day of the unexcused absence. Students who miss class or study hall due to illness, will be ineligible to practice, perform, attend, or compete in any co-curricular activity on the day of the illness.

Protocol for Tardiness

1. If a student arrives Tardy, without a pass, during the first 5 minutes of class, the student will be marked tardy unexcused.

a. The teacher will inform students of his/her attendance procedures including responses to tardiness on the first day of each semester.
Three to four tardies and students will receive warning and opportunity to correct

b. Five tardies and students will receive a detention and opportunity to correct

c. Repeat step b for additional tardies

Protocol for Excused Absence

As the school year gets underway we want to remind you of a few things regarding our attendance policy. Please refer to our complete attendance policy in the family handbook (page 14-16) for a more detailed description of this policy. In short, a few reminders we would like you to be aware of:

1. Parents/Guardians are allowed to excuse their student for up to 10 days in a school year. A day is considered all or part of a day a student may be absent.

2. If your student leaves during the school day and attends an appointment, they must bring back a note from the provider to be given to the attendance kiosk. This note can and should be turned in immediately the following day should the student not return to school that same day. This note is critical in helping us appropriately code the students absence.

3. We do send out letters throughout the year regarding students attendance to make sure we are all on the same page. These letters are meant as a communication tool and while we appreciate guardians keeping up on their students attendance through Infinite Campus our goal is to avoid any discrepancies in an attendance record.

4. Please take a look at our family handbook located here: River View Family Handbook to see specifics about calling your student in for an absence. When possible, please call our attendance phone line ahead of time if your student will be leaving for an appointment. This allows us to better help your child transition to and from class and be waiting by door 1 for your pick up.
As always, if you have further questions about attendance please feel free to reach out to us for any clarifications.

Protocol for Unexcused Absence

1. If a student arrives without a pass or is unaccounted for, the student will be marked unexcused.
a. Each one period to a whole day unexcused absence- detention and opportunity to correct

b. Three to four days with one period to whole day unexcused- detention, letter of concern and opportunity to correct

c. Five or more days with one period to whole day unexcused(same semester)

Detention, first truancy letter and meeting if no social worker

If student has a social worker, detention, letter of concern, truancy court and sanctions from social worker.


Truancy means a student is absent from school without an acceptable excuse. "Habitual Truant" is defined by Wisconsin State Statute, section 118.16(1) (a) and (c) as a pupil who is absent without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a trimester. Once a student is habitually truant, a letter will be sent for a parent(s) meeting to be held regarding the truancy, prior to referring the student to the Municipal Court of the City of Kaukauna or the Juvenile Intake of the county in which the student resides. A municipal citation may be issued to any student who is truant subject to Municipal Statute 9.27. Truancy Court is held on campus monthly.

Extended Absences/Vacation Guidelines:

We understand that time spent together as a family and that vacations can be an important part of family life. However, the instructional process does not stop when students are not at school, and lost instructional time cannot be recovered or recreated. Therefore, we strongly encourage families to schedule vacations around the existing school vacation days. If you must schedule a trip or other extended absence that will occur during scheduled school days, please follow these guidelines:

The student must have a pre-arranged absence form signed by his/her teachers and parent(s) and returned to the office secretary before the absence occurs. Pre-arranged absence forms are available in the school office and on our website. This will allow us to excuse your child from school and keep accurate attendance records.

Homework often cannot be prepared in advance, because the purpose of homework is to provide practice and review of skills taught in the classroom. Your child’s teacher may be able to prepare some work in advance with ample advance notice of the absence. However, additional work may be assigned when your child returns. (See Make-Up Work During or Following an Absence below for more information.)

Try to minimize the pre-vacation excitement for your child to reduce the instructional time lost due to distraction and excitement.

Make-Up Work During or Following an Absence:

If parents anticipate their child will be out of school for more than two days, they are encouraged to phone the school office (766-6111) and request homework which may be picked up at the end of the day or brought home by a family member. Students can also sign into Google Classroom to see any assignments they need to complete. Students should make up work missed as a result of an absence and will be responsible to arrange for make-up work. The amount of make-up work will be reasonable and commensurate with the situation, with emphasis on quality rather than quantity. Consideration for make-up work will be made for students absent from classes as a result of field trips or special in-school arrangements since they are involved in an educational experience.

-River View Attendance Committee-

Summer School 2020
Kaukauna High School
1701 County Road CE, Kaukauna

Wednesday, June 10 - Tuesday, June 30
Monday through Friday, but Summer School starts on a Wednesday.
For a total of 15 days
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (some classes may run past this time, but no transportation will be available)

Classes that will be offered in July or August as of right now:
Strength and Conditioning
Band camps
Band and Orchestra Lessons
Kindergarten Kids

All registrations will be done within the registration window. (Late registrations will not be accepted.)
Students are eligible to register for courses based on their next grade level (for the 2020-2021 school year).
If you need assistance with registering, you may come into the District Office, 1701 County Road CE, during normal business hours.

Open House
We will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, June 9, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Staff and student volunteers will be available to answer questions. Teachers will not be present during the Open House, however, families can become familiar with where classes are located.

Registration Dates (tentative)
Sunday, March 22: Summer School Registration begins at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, May 15: Summer School Registration closes at 12:00 p.m.
Link to register: Please watch for more information in the next few weeks surrounding the registration process.

Payment Information
Payment is required to complete registration.
If you need to pay with cash or check please come to the district office to register.
If you are unable to pay the full fee due to financial reasons, please contact Erin Kape at the District Office at: 920-766-6100 ext. 2002 or prior to registering (so a discount can be attached to your account).

Kaukauna will offer busing to and from summer school for a fee. The cost is still being determined. Students will be dropped off at Kaukauna High School prior to the start of the first class at 8:00 a.m. Buses will return students after classes end at 12:00 p.m. If your child will be taking the bus to school and home after the last section, your child must be registered for all three sections as there is not supervision available in the commons during class time. Classes that fall outside of the 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. timeframe will not have a busing option. To register your child for busing, you will need to select the course called Transportation – Busing.

Class Cancellations
A course may be cancelled if there is insufficient enrollment. If this happens, you will be notified by email or phone.

High School Credit Recovery
Students who have previously failed a course required for graduation or are credit deficient may register for HS Credit Recovery Course. Credit Advancement courses are not offered through Summer School. Registration for credit recovery courses will be open until June 7th. Any questions, please contact your child’s counselor at Kaukauna High School at 920-766-6113.

Remedial 5K – 8th Grade Classes (Teacher Recommendation ONLY)
Remedial courses will be offered to students by invitation only. These courses will focus on Math and Reading remediation. They are designed to provide academic support for students who were identified by their teacher as needing extra instructional support. If your child has been recommended for a course, a letter will be sent home with your child. Eligible students will be referred by their teacher.

Students are encouraged to bring basic school supplies with them to all recommended classes.

Strength & Conditioning
This course is in June and July. Please be aware that the schedule may be modified in July.

This class is designed to teach from the basics of speed and strength training to advanced training techniques. Cross training techniques for multiple sports, for both younger and older athletes. This class runs outdoors on the track at KHS as well as indoors, so proper shoes and clothing are necessary depending on weather conditions. Course fee is used to provide a snack after the section.

Kindergarten Kids – 1 day in August for Tanner only
Kindergarten Kids will have a special opportunity to experience Kindergarten before it even starts! This course will be offered as a 4-hour session. Students will spend time in the Kindergarten classroom learning about what Kindergarten will look like, sound like and feel like. Students will be exposed to a variety of Kindergarten school experiences including: classroom meetings, recess, character traits and behavior expectations, snack and lunch procedures, and recess at Tanner School. Tanner 2020 - 2021 Kindergartners are encouraged to sign up for this course.

Backpacks or Cinch packs
Students are encouraged to bring a backpack or cinch pack to Summer School. We will be providing backpack tags for student schedules for all students entering grades 5K – 1.

Color Guard Basics/Advanced Drum Line/Marching Band Basics
These are week long camps. Enjoy a week of camaraderie and the fun of self-expression through music.

Frequently Asked Questions
*My child has a gap in his or her schedule. Will there be supervision available for them?
    -No, there is no supervision available for children who have a gap in their schedule.

*My child was not recommended for Remedial Math or Reading. Can I still register my child for this course?
    -No, only students with a recommendation from their teacher may be registered for recommended classes, so we are able to keep these class sizes small and so we can focus on the individual needs of students.

*If we reside outside of the Kaukauna Area School District, can we still register?
    -Yes, the process is the same whether you reside in Kaukauna or not. District approval is only        necessary if the Summer School course is for credit.

It's a Jungle Out There! Read to Survive!

Escape into the wilds of reading with the Scholastic Book Fair. The Scholastic Book Fair will be here from February 24th to February 28th and everyone is invited! Students can enjoy the Scholastic Book Fair during their lunches and families can delight in the festivities during Parent-Teacher conferences on February 24th from 4:00-7:30pm and February 28th from 12:30-3:00pm. Be sure to get your ticket to read and wake the mighty reader within!  


Parent Resources

*Infinite Campus for Families - 
       *Click here

*Google Classroom for Families - 

*Community Flyers
          *Click Here to access information about any current flyers for this month

*2020-21 Parent Calendar - 

Work Permits

River View will process work permits for our students. We need the following items from you in order to process it--
*Letter from the employer

*Parent signature and student address

*Birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or green card

*Social Security CARD


***The student needs to be present to sign the permit.

Breakfast Club Fun before Holiday Break

Breakfast Club meets every day, before school in Room 138. It's open to anyone!

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